Animal Resources of Tidewater: Working to improve the lives of Companion Animals in Hampton Roads2022-03-09T11:48:55-05:00

Animal Resources of Tidewater since 1999 has changed and grown to meet the needs of the community. Through grants and donations, we have proudly established programs to improve the lives of companion animals in Hampton Roads: SpayHR, Community Medical Assistance, Legislative Policy Advocacy and the Pit Bull Awareness Coalition.

Spay Neuter Programs

Community Medical Assistance

Legislative Advocacy

Breed Awareness

Adoptions and Rescue

COVID Resource

Success Stories

Please consider becoming a Sustaining Member of ART so we can create more happy endings just like these! DONATE TODAY

Big Boy

This is Big Boy. One day while playing outside, Big Boy sustained an injury to his eye. The injury was so great it required full removal within a 24-hour period. Big Boy’s momma, being on a limited income, was not able to cover the full cost of the surgery. She was able to raise $300 through the kindness of her friends. ART was able to find a vet that offered a discounted rate for the emergency procedure; however, the full cost of Big Boy’s surgery was much more than what his momma had raised. ART then reached out to its generous supporters and was able to raise the remaining $700 to pay for the cost of the surgery for Big Boy’s eye.



Achilles recovery is a true success story. Achilles escaped from his yard by slipping through the invisible fence and was hit by a car. Achilles suffered numerous injuries from the accident, resulting in extensive vet bills and a lengthy and expensive stay with the vet. Achilles family maxed out their care credit ($4500) and did not have the funds to pay for the additional care Achilles required. ART was able to raise the $500 needed to help pay for Achilles treatment and ensure his full recovery.


Gronk has been given a new lease on life thanks to the love and affection from his new adoptive family. After Gronk was adopted, he was diagnosed with stage three heart disease. His new family was fully prepared to provide endless love and affection, but the costs associated with Gronk’s heart condition were beyond their financial ability. Gronk’s family reached out to ART for help we collected $323 to help pay for one of Gronk’s treatments.

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